Do unto others. All others.
Yeah! Be part of the movement that’s bringing The Golden Rule back to our community. We believe that if we put ourselves in other people’s shoes, especially when it comes to our immigrant neighbors, we’ll discover that we’re more alike than we are different.
Do unto others.
All others.
Be part of the movement that’s bringing The Golden Rule back to our community. We believe that if we put ourselves in other people’s shoes, especially when it comes to our immigrant neighbors, we’ll discover that we’re more alike than we are different.

“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”
The Golden Rule has been around for thousands of years, spanning across cultures and religions. It’s something we were all raised with, but are quick to forget. We’re about to change that.
The #BeGolden campaign is a rallying cry for our community to unite under the Golden Rule and remember to practice it every day, especially with those who are immigrants. It’s a message of unity, civility and empathy. We want to remind people that this isn’t merely a political or legal issue, it’s a human issue.
Our goal is to build awareness and educate the members of our community, so we always remember to put ourselves in other people’s shoes, especially when it comes to topics like immigration. If we treat our neighbors the way we would like to be treated, we’d be surprised to discover that the things we have in common far outweigh the things that divide us.

“Do to others what you would have them do to you.”
The Golden Rule has been around for thousands of years, spanning across cultures and religions. It’s something we were all raised with, but are quick to forget. We’re about to change that.
The #BeGolden campaign is a rallying cry for our community to unite under the Golden Rule and remember to practice it every day, especially with those who are immigrants. It’s a message of unity, civility and empathy. We want to remind people that this isn’t merely a political or legal issue, it’s a human issue.
Our goal is to build awareness and educate the members of our community, so we always remember to put ourselves in other people’s shoes, especially when it comes to topics like immigration. If we treat our neighbors the way we would like to be treated, we’d be surprised to discover that the things we have in common far outweigh the things that divide us.

Whether you’re looking for Medical, Legal, Education, or DACA related advice, we’ve compiled a list of links to help you get started.

Whether you’re looking for Medical, Legal, Education, or DACA related advice, we’ve compiled a list of links to help you get started.
Get Involved
It’s not hard to Be Golden, and every little bit helps.
Together we can change hearts, minds and the world.
Join the movement and show your support.
Get Involved
It’s not hard to Be Golden, and every little bit helps.
Together we can change hearts, minds and the world.
Join the movement and show your support.
Show Your Support
There are many ways you can be part of the movement that’s making the world a bit more golden.
A small contribution
can make a huge impact.

Here’s who is already involved and helping power the movement.

Here’s who is already involved and helping power the movement.

Share your Golden Moments using #BeGolden and help make the world a bit more golden.

Share your Golden Moments using #BeGolden and help make the world a bit more golden.